AdWords can be a difficult platform to navigate, even for the most experienced Kalamazoo web design experts. With all of the recent changes made to the interface, the transition period has made it even more challenging. It seems like every time you get used to where certain options are, the rug is pulled out from under you and there’s a new, improved design that relocates all of your most-used tools, reports, and options. Recently, we had a client request administrative ownership of their AdWords account. This is a request that we hadn’t run into before and, thinking it would be a simple task of linking their Gmail account and then elevating their privileges to ownership, we set off into the wilds of the AdWords backend. Two hours – and one seriously long phone call – later, we finally found the solution.
What is administrative ownership?
Administrative ownership is exactly what it sounds like: ownership of the account. It shares user privileges with the “administrator” account type but it is one level above that. It is the “owner” of the account and, therefore, has carte blanche when it comes to user changes, bid adjustments, billing information, and more.
How do you make a user an administrative owner?
Here’s the rub: you pretty much can’t. After struggling on the phone for an hour, we were informed by a Google representative that a user must have a Google Ads manager account. So, if you’re looking to transition a normal user – one granted access through a standard Gmail account – into administrative ownership, you’re out of luck. They have to create an Ads manager account first, then request managerial access to the account. Then – and only then – can they be granted administrative ownership.
At Blue Fire Media, we’re committed to offering the most knowledgeable, comprehensive, and friendly Kalamazoo web design services. If you’re considering a new website, contact us today to learn how we can help!