Once you have your website on the internet, getting it noticed in web searches is an ongoing process that requires continuous updated content in the form of blogs or articles for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The team of writers at Blue Fire Media can create content for your website periodically to improve and/or maintain your ranking in web searches, getting your website noticed by more customers who are looking for your goods and services. In today’s post, we will discuss strategies for keeping the content on your website fresh and relevant.
Content is King
The more frequently you add new, original content to your website, the better your website will perform in internet searches. Unfortunately, you probably don’t have much time in your busy schedule to write a blog post or article every month. Blue Fire Media is here to help. We have talented copywriters who can post new blog entries, like this one, to your website every month, with content focused on keywords that potential customers use when searching for businesses. For example, by us including the words “Search Engine Optimization” in this post, we are telling search engine algorithms that our company offers this service. As a result, this website will appear in search results when people go to Google or other search engines looking for a company that provides SEO. We can also include geographic locations like Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, or anywhere within our service range, so potential customers in those cities can find our site more quickly.
Speak to Your Audience – Not the Internet
While it certainly helps to understand the types of content that search engine algorithms are looking for, it’s important that the content you post is accessible to the people who will read it. In the early stages of the internet, many companies would just include bullet pointed lists of their services and the cities in their service range as a way to get that content on their sites. Algorithms have become much more complex, even within the last five years, so while these lists may have merit as a quick visual reference for your audience, they will do little to improve your SEO. Search engines are looking for well written content that includes these keywords organically within the body of the text. It’s also important to note that this content should be original, as search engines will recognize duplicate or plagiarized content, which will actually hurt your internet rankings.
Blue Fire Media is dedicated to helping your business get noticed in internet searches. If you are interested in learning more about how we can help improve your site’s SEO, contact us today!