National Sign

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Blue Fire Media created this website for a company that makes many of the road signs and commercial signs you see while you drive down the road every day. This is a straightforward website that features details about the types of signage they make. The website features subpage discussing the numerous types of traffic signs the company makes, including pictures of the signs and even videos that showcase the functionality of their products, from traditional street signs to customizable LED blank out signs.

The commercial signs page shows examples of the work they have done for digital signage that attracts customers to the respective businesses. This allows visitors to this site to see how the signage functions, helping them to make an informed decision about the type of signage they want on their property.

This website also feature responsive design, meaning that all imagery and functionality works equally well across all devices, from desktops and laptops to tablets and smartphones. This makes for a better user experience for everyone who visits the website and increases the chances of visitors staying on the site for longer which could lead to more leads for potential customers that will keep your business profitable.