The Importance of Periodically Updating Your Website

Having a website for your business is a necessity in today’s marketplace. The website allows more people to find your business while also educating them about the products and/or services you offer. Unfortunately, like all other technology, time will surpass your website, and it will become outdated within about 5-6 years. While your website may still function on the internet, people trying to use your site may experience frustrating difficulties that could turn them off and make them look for similar services elsewhere. Blue Fire Media can provide you with responsive web design services to update your website to perform better on the latest technology. Read further for more information about why keeping your website updated is so important.

Improve the Aesthetics of Your Website

They may say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but it’s a different story with websites. You want your business to project a professional appearance, and an outdated website can hamper that.  The older your website gets, the more likely that images and videos will not function properly, especially on newer technology. By having a new website built, you can avoid these issues with clear, vibrant images and properly functioning videos that users can enjoy without frustration.

Make Navigation Easier

Missing pages, broken hyperlinks, small font sizes…these are just a few of the navigation difficulties that users can encounter from trying to use an older website. Most websites will function adequately on desktop computers, to some extent, but using a tablet or phone can be difficult, especially when trying to tap on tiny hyperlinks with your fingers. With a new responsive website, the webpage will adjust to the size of the screen, making the navigation menu and links much larger and easier to tap. This allows users to successfully navigate the website for a much more enjoyable experience.

If you are ready to update your old website for a more professional look, contact Blue Fire Media and let us know about the project you have in mind.