Why Do Kalamazoo Businesses Get SEO Services?

If you own or operate a local business in Kalamazoo, then you may be wondering: why would you get SEO services?

For many local business owners, the fact that you’re local provides certain advantages. For instance, long-standing local businesses tend to benefit from word of  mouth advertising and regulars who have been frequenting their establishment for years. So, does a business like this really need SEO services?

Well, as it turns out, they just might. The only constant in our world is that things never stay the same forever, and the same is true for outreach. Whether you have deep ties in the community or are just starting out, audience outreach is essential to any organization’s long-term success. In this month’s blog post, we’ll be discussing why Kalamazoo SEO services are so important for local businesses.

Why Targeted Search Engine Optimization is Make-or-Break

Collaborating with professionals like us at Blue Fire Media is essential for the success of search engine optimization. Here at Blue Fire, we understand the only thing more important than reaching an audience: reaching the right audience.

Our copywriters and SEO specialists are trained in optimizing your website to reach out to your ideal clients. After all, it’s no good for a Michigan ski resort’s website to get found by Miami beachgoers. That’s why our professionals use a combination of carefully researched keywords and geotagging in order to ensure that your website is found by local audiences who are actually interested in what you have to say. Let’s break that down a bit more.

Keyword Research. Knowing the keywords (the terms your target audience enters into Google) is essential to getting noticed the right way. At the same time, a balance has to be struck. Keywords ought to be distinctly related to your services, but not so distinct that no one ever searches them. Luckily, our copywriters know how to strike this balance thanks to their research in keyword search volume and keyword competition.

Geotagging. Geotagging is an amazing way to naturally home in on your ideal audience. If you offer local, Kalamazoo arbor services, it doesn’t do you much good if you’re getting found by people in Hawaii. Our professionals will be able to filter out audiences in far away locations, and filter in local audiences that can actually engage with your business.

Google Analytics: Why Information is Everything

When some people think “Google Analytics,” they might get a little nervous. After all, it can feel like Google knows a little bit too much about us sometimes.

That said, Google Analytics is not an intrusive service for businesses to use. In fact, it’s an essential way to better understand audiences and create a better experience for visitors to your website.

What Google Analytics Actually Does

Google Analytics has a wide variety of uses, but its most essential use is essentially as an overseer of your digital storefront. Think about it like this—anyone would expect the owner of a convenience store to change around their store’s layout based on customer behavior. If customers walk into the store, take one look around, and walk out, then the owner will change their store to be more inviting.

For websites, however, you can’t just see customer behavior firsthand. For all you know, audiences could be clicking on to your site and leaving in less than 5 seconds (we call this a “bounce”). This is where Google Analytics comes in. Google Analytics will take note of how many customers enter your digital storefront, if they decide to stick around, and the pages they frequently visit. Then, just like the convenience store owner, you can make the changes you need to increase customer satisfaction.

Here at Blue Fire Media, our professionals will set up and help administrate your Google Analytics account, playing a critical role in the success of your website.

Request Kalamazoo SEO Services for Your Organization

Are you ready to reach out to audiences that truly want to hear from you? If so, then our professionals here at Blue Fire Media are ready to make that happen. To get started, click here to contact our team today!